
Thursday 7 August 2014

She !

She visits me when I least expect
Urging me out of my slumber
In varying shades, finely decked
Always a multiple in number

She does to me what none else can
Pulls me into a trance
Carried away, in a very short span
My mind begins the dance !

She flows out of my mind as thoughts,
Speaks to the world for me
While I wonder at her plots,
Searching for the key

She is the one who gives me wings
Makes me fly high
Because of her, my heart sings
When I touch the sky

She sends me waves of love and hope
Wraps me in her kisses
With all tough moments, she helps me cope
All doubts, she dismisses

She shows me light when darkness falls
Nudges me forward , to move
Tired  I might be, still she calls
I’ve my calling to prove

She feeds my soul with the soothing tonic
Brave, she makes me feel
Throws out all thoughts, demonic
Slowly I begin to heal

She fuels me with the desire to win
Stand high on the pedestal
With her around as my lovely fin,
My victory seems celestial

She flies to me from a world unknown
Takes a place in my heart
Forever there, she’ll reside on the throne
Till death does us apart

Who is she, you seem to ask,
Oh  ! In joy I beam !!
My friend, in whose glory I bask,
My sweet, lively dream !!



  1. Beautiful. Perfect lines to describe the dream that makes soul alive!

  2. it is said that dreams do come true, if we wish hard enough.....but when it is the dream that fuels your passions, then you don't really have to wait for it to come true, because you know it will on its own....lovely lines my dear!! enjoyed the read!

  3. BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLLL... DREAM .. and dreaming is best we get to do what we want and I also beleive that we need to dream to make our dreams come true :)


  4. Oh this one was precious! Beautiful! :)

  5. Fly high, dear Sreeja! You will do that, I am sure!!

  6. What a sweet and precious poem! I feel a sense of joy reading this, an urge to reach up and touch that dream in a way. Lovely, Sreeja!

  7. Sreeja,this is one of your best post!! So sweet soft and serene.

  8. Sheer beauty here. Loved it Sreeja. One of your best poems !!

  9. A beautiful dream of a poem!!

  10. Dreaming of more such poetry from Sree's pen soon :)


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