
Tuesday 4 March 2014

And Freely We Write :)


The very word “Write” triggers so many thoughts in my mind.
I personally feel that the ability to give life to your thoughts as words is an admirable quality, and I think we all possess that kind of creativity in some measure, even though most of us don’t explore that.
I admire people who can put into words all that they think, feel, personify or stand for. If there were no such people, how would readers like you and me quench our thirst for words ?
Imagine a world where there were no writers and consequently, no books. Wouldn’t it be the worst thing ever ?
Blessed are those who set the wheels of your thoughts in motion by speaking out to you through words. Words have a power to love, to heal, to encourage, to make you dream, to give you wings, to transport you to worlds unseen, to heighten your imagination, to give you the emotional high. The adverse is true sometimes, but then you know what to read and what to listen to, to get the best of benefits :) And precisely that’s why we all love words :)
Back at school and college, I used to participate in Essay Writing and Extempore Contests and win prizes in some. Yet, I was never a creative person. No stories, or poetries came out of my pen. I just knew blogging as a new medium of writing that was set to rock the world, nothing more. Writing took a back seat as times changed , but reading continued. I discovered my love for blogging when family life brought me to an alien land ,bringing some free time with it for me to befriend the Internet to satiate my ever growing hunger for the words. And suddenly, one fine morning, the Alter Ego was born.

I realized ,to my surprise, I could narrate my thoughts as stories and poems, but first I had to listen to my inner voice and respond to it.
I personally feel that is the case with most of us; that we all have many stories to share with the world, just that the words fall into place when the time is ripe and the cosmic waves are favourable :)

When I had to take up a Free Write challenge for the Write Tribe , this is what first came to my mind as I sat down to type. I’m thankful and happy to be here as a part of the blog world, how much ever tiny a drop I might be in this vast ocean :) :)

With all the gratitude to the world, I’m suddenly reminded of a lovely prayer, which I think I should share here.  This is a free write and the prayer below doesn’t have any tangible relation to what has been written above.  But there’s no harm in spreading some love, is there ? ;)

“ Father , we thank thee, for the night
  And for the pleasant morning light;
   For rest and food, and loving care,
  And all that makes this world so fair….
  Help us to do the things we should,
  To be to others, kind and good;
  In all we do, in all we say,
  To grow more loving everyday !”

Stay blessed, all of you !!

The Write Tribe Festival of Words- 3 has begun ! Join us as we journey through a maze of words till the 8th of March, weaving our way out with a fresh challenge each day :)

Linking this to the post for Day 3, the challenge being a "Free Write".

Check out some awesome entries here.


  1. You are able to, even in Free write where you have no specific subject, contrive a nice post out of thin air !!.You communicate so well.
    The prayer though unrelated is inspiring.

    1. *Blush* Thanks a lot KP Sir, for your nice words !

  2. Lovely free write and as I read I discovered quite a similarly of how both our blogs were born! :)

    1. Is it ? Wow. Thats a nice thing :) Thanks a lot, Aditi.

  3. Love for words. It's gives meaning to our lives, a writer's life, precisely. We writers won't be trading it for anything else in this world. Would we?

    1. No, we won't trade it for anything else. That's for sure. Thanks , Jini :)

  4. So true. Reading, writing, speaking .. It all boils down to that one thing - Love for words. Very well put.

    1. Yes, the bottom line is the love. Thanks Aarthy :)

  5. This is an exquisite work of Free Writing, Sreeja! You are so right when you talk about using words effectively. I love the journey of how your blog was born. That prayer at the end actually does tie in rather nicely with the post; it's all about perspective, isn't it?

    1. Yes, it's all about perspective. Read it twice, and I get what you mean. Thanks, Shailaja :)

  6. Sreeja most of us I believe had a similar story about genesis of blog (or so I have!) and yes words have a way of life for us now..


  7. Words are powerful indeed. Lovely write up and a beautiful prayer

  8. Oh yes, we all love words. Our blogs are born because we live and breathe words. :)

  9. It's a beautiful post ...written in such an organised manner . And the prayer at the end is just amazing :)

    1. That is a lovely prayer. I'm glad I shared it ! Thank you, Sushree :)

  10. Sreeja, This was lovely!

    I've only just recently discovered that I loved writing, but it truly frees the soul. I can't imagine not writing now:)

    Thanks for sharing the prayer, too. Very inspiring:)

    1. Welcome, Valerie :) Yes, it is a liberation to the soul !

  11. Such beautiful thoughts, Sreeja. Love the prayer. If everyone used nice words & did good, our world would be a much nicer place.

    1. True, Anita :) Let's do just that ! Thank you :)

  12. I think a lot of our blogs were born this way - a kind of reaching out to others. You did a great free write and nice prayer too. Love your blog name.
    Suzy at Someday Somewhere

    1. Thanks a lot Suzy for the visit and the nice words :)

  13. seriously, to imagine a world without writers and books is horrible!

  14. You have a flair for writing nicely, Sreeja. Do write more!!
    Freely ye have received, freely give.

    1. Yes, freely received, freely given :) :) Thanks a lot for the encouragement:)


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