
Monday 3 March 2014

In Love with Blogs :)


This is one crazy world, a world where passionate souls dance with an unparalleled love for words  to the background music of creativity.

And I'm here to share with you my love for some nice blogs on the blogosphere.

 We all remember our firsts - the first time we did something, the first book we owned, the first friend we made at school, the first time we won a prize at something, so many firsts in life. For a blogger, the first post, the first comment, the first dose of encouragement that she/he receives is very very special. It is with this gratitude that I remember Dhara, the very first person to read this post of mine and tell me what she felt. That’s not why I’m speaking about her, though.  
My Cactus Dress is her voice, where she speaks out to us in so candid a manner that you identify with her instantly. What she writes is very much simple, straight from the heart and something you’d definitely love. Hugs to you, dear :) Keep writing, and make us laugh, cry and enjoy the fun with you !

Blogging is not just for the writers, it is for the artists out there too. I’ve seen many art blogs on the blogosphere. And there is one which I’m showcasing here today. Here is a person who excels in painting and creating an art with the aid of technology, as much as he does in his number-crunching job. Presenting before you all, Pencilmarks, by a friend and fellow blogger, Ranjith Jayadevan ( who also blogs occasionally at the SwaLe ( an acronym for Swantham Lekhakan , which means “Your own correspondent / writer ” in Malayalam)). Art takes an altogether different dimension here. Paintings, animations, greeting cards and portraits are what you’ll find here, the best part being he has not been formally trained in any of these !

There is a feel good blog I love to read, not just for the happiness he spreads, but also for the sheer variety and simplicity with which he churns out posts with endearing lucidity. Kavi’s Musings by Kavi Arasu is a sweet, lovable blog that is sure to leave you with a smiling face.

Age is no bar for being a blogger, really. Creativity doesn’t dry out at any time. Especially with a lifetime of personal, and professional experiences to guide you, the best thing you can do it to give it a voice to pass on the richness in thoughts to others. And she does it with elan. In a sweet and sour way. Visit Mrs Usha Menon at Kuch Khatta Kuch Meetha, and you’ll know what I mean. A retired educationist, an eccentric grandmom ( check her URL :D ), a haiku queen, a cancer survivor, she’s someone whose simple posts speak straight to your heart. Take a bow, Usha Ma’m.
(A deviation from the suggestion to showcase some bloggers outside the WT circle, I know. But this one had to come here :) )

I’m an avid reader of blogs in my regional languages as well. And I think it is imperative that I quote some of the best blogs in Malayalam that I read on a regular basis. Ajith of Ennu Swantham ( which means, Yours Truly), Riyas T Ali of Variyum Varayum ( the lines and the drawing), Padmashree Nair of Padmatheertham (The Lotus Pond), Arun Kayamkulam of Kayamkulam Superfast - they are some of the wonderful bloggers in Malayalam, who are sure to give you a beautiful reading time, if you read the language.

There are many such lovable blogs , and I shall speak about them in some future posts.

Now, to a very special blog.
In my post about the World Cancer Day, I’d spoken about Alice Pyne, the 17 year old girl who succumbed to the big C last year, after a battle of 4 to 5 years. Her blog, Alice’s Bucket List is since then being maintained by her younger sis, Milly, who herself is a victim of Crouzon Syndrome ( a genetic disorder ;  premature fusion of certain skull bones ). She updates it regularly with her activities and those that she’s carrying on to fulfill Alice’s mission of creating a Bone Marrow Registry, and helping the lesser-privileged. To most of us who are bothered about acne, hair fall, body fat, dark skin, weight gain, and a multitude of trivial problems, this site is an eye-opener. Alice’s fight, and Milly’s spirit to keep alive her sister’s hopes, are something that we should learn from. Emulate. Find happiness in. Support. Love. Share. Spread.

Of course, this is not a complete list AT ALL. I haven’t mentioned so many of my favourite blogs here . My Tab “ A Lovely List of Blogs ” names a few of them. The list is still being updated.

Please hop over to all the blogs and shower some love :)
The Write Tribe Festival of Words- 3 has begun ! Join us as we journey through a maze of words till the 8th of March, weaving our way out with a fresh challenge each day :)

Linking this to the post for Day 2, the challenge being a "Blog Love".

Check out some awesome entries here.


  1. True,the first of firsts loom first in our memory screen.

  2. Hey, have read Ushaji's blog and love it. Hopping over others now. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Ushaji's blog of course is an inspiration to us all. Rest of the mentioned are now being checked out thanks to you :-)


    1. Yes, she rocks ! Sure, pls do. Thanks dear !

  4. Thank you Sreeja,from the core of my heart. Even though I am not eligible to be mentioned in this festival, you have popularised my name. I have no words to thank you. You have made my day. Thank you once again. I stuck to the rules otherwise you would have have been topping my list. Thanks again.

    1. You sure are eligible, Ma'm. That was just a suggestion which they gave on WT.
      You just may not know the influence you have on us, fellow bloggers !
      Love you for that :)

      and the last part was really sweet...thanks to you too !

  5. True, a lot of things we fret about are really nothing compared to the sufferings people like Alice and their families undergo. I mentioned Usha Menon too. Same pinch there

    1. Same pinch !!!
      True, that's why I shared her here.
      Thanks for the visit, Jaish :)

  6. I read Kavi's musings too.. Though a very recent reader of his blog. And ofcourse, who can not love Ushaji's blog. I love reading her too Sreeja. And I find my name in your lovely list of blogs.. Thats so very sweet of you. Thank you so much :* Lots of love and hugs :)

  7. Except for Ma'am Usha's blog, the others are new for me. Have read Kavi's posts on Parentous. Must check out his blog too and others too :)

    1. Yes, I got Kavi from Parentous only. Pls do check. Thanks a lot, Shilpa ji :)

  8. I know Mrs Menon and have met Kavi in person, but have hardly read his writing. The others look most interesting, Sreeja!
    I remember reading Alice's blog too and hearing of her passing - haven't visited recently though. Thanks for reminding me of her blog.

    1. Oh, Corinne, pls do read Kavi, his writing is so delicious.
      Alice, yes, Prayers for her !
      Thanks for the visit and the good words, Corinne.

  9. My Cactus dress is indeed a great blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. That's a good haul of blogs! I read about Kavi during the Blog Adda conference and how he kept people in splits. Now, time to check out his work. The artist one sounds very facinating as well.

    1. Pls do check them out, Shailaja. You'll love them. Thank you :)

  11. Sreeja I can't wait to go through all these blogs that you have mentioned

  12. This is quite a list! I have bookmarked all ( Usha ji I follow...who doesn't know her in the blogosphere right?) Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks a lot for the visit, and the comment , Aditi. Please do check them. :)

  13. Thanks for the list Sreeja and post the festival will check them coz I have started on a project..m short in terms of time. But, I wanna tell that I have immense respect for Usha Ma'am for being a super achiever and whose blessing I look forward to:)

    1. That's a very nice thing to say, Vishal. Well said. Sure, pls do visit the blogs when you get time. All the best for your project. Thanks for the visit :)

  14. That very special blog of Alice & Milly was indeed an eye opener. I published that link on our face book bloggers' group and many were inspired. I am planning to write an article on Alice Pyne in Malayalam. The story of the girl and her fight must be circulated far and wide. Thank you for mentioning my blog in your list.

    1. That was a really good thing to do Ajith Bhai . Please do share the article you write in Malayalam. Alice deserves to be known worldwide as an icon !
      Sure, my pleasure :) Thank you :)
      ( Malayalam is fine, if you're ok with it :) )

  15. Thank you Sreeja for showering so much of love. I am not even sure if I deserve it, but you surely have made my day. I am so happy about the way your blog is shaping in to. You are an amazing writer. Kudos.

    1. Awww...Now you made my day, dear :) Thanks a lot :)


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