Contd from : “I’ve some more advice for you,” said Fr.Gonzalvez.
“ But that can wait”, he said.
Though curious, Daisy bade goodbye to him and walked to Richard, who was waiting at the gates.
“Thanks for listening, Richard”, she said.
“My pleasure. I’m happy you confided in me. A small thing like this would’ve actually cost me my life with you. I’ll take extra care now, as I know your pet hate ,” he replied, stroking his imaginary beard.
The Christmas Choir was a grand success. Richard garnered a lot of appreciation for his talent with the Guitar.
Daisy and Richard were married just two days after Christmas.
They took the wedding vows, and as Richard placed the traditional Wedding Sari on her head as was their custom, Daisy couldn’t help smiling at the clean shaven face and the deep brown eyes looking down at her with pride. She felt grateful that his clean shaven look had bowled her over.
Fr.Gonzalvez came to them when the Holy Mass ended and the wedding was over.
“Daisy, I had one advice for you, remember ?”
“Yes, Father,”. Daisy replied.
“ It is this : never ever forget the man who made your life possible”, he said.
“And that guy has a stubble, too”, he added, his eyes twinkling.
Daisy was puzzled. So was Richard.
“Well, I overheard you both speaking at the lawns that day,” the priest explained.
“That’s fine, Father. We knew you had heard us. That saved us a confession, did it not?”, Richard answered in good humour.
“ But Father, you don’t have a stubble,” Daisy rolled her eyes as she used to do in her Catechism classes as a child.
To be contd.
I am writing in response to a tag by Someone is Special.
I am taking part in 'Protest against Smelly Stubble' activity here :)

Protest Against Unclean Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda
Protest Against Unclean Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda
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