Friday, 25 October 2013

55 on Friday - 1 :- Life in conversations :)

This friday has again brought something new, as it bids goodbye.

Write Tribe comes up with a new writing exercise for us  - 55 on Friday.

The inaugural prompt, the picture below, is by Vidya Sury. We need to weave a 55-er based on this :-)

Vidya-Sury-28.10-7.jpg (1001×1065)

"Grandma, I've so many questions about life.
Some with broken answers, some without any at all.
Does any book give all the answers in one go ?"

" No, book teaches you how to live. You just learn it as you move on."

" Tough luck,then. I better remain ignorant"

" Yes dear, Ignorance is bliss ! "

55 on Friday #WriteTribe


  1. Books give knowledge but not wisdom that life alone confers.
    Sweet and small conversation!

  2. wise grandma and her words! nothing teaches u better than life..

  3. Your writings are truly inspirational Shreeja. Keep writing.

  4. Thanks a lot Jini :) Welcome to my space !!


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