Saturday, 26 October 2013

A Nonet Again :- Sitayana !!

Why do we always read the Ramayana as Rama's story ?

I sometimes feel that it is as much of Sita's story as it is Rama's, so why can't there be a Sitayana, too? :-)

Here's my Nonet for that....

She deserves an epic in her name
A true woman of great acclaim
the daughter of Mother Earth
doubted fidelity
questioned chastity
silent tears
war within
truth wins,

UBC 26 :-)


  1. There is no Ramayana without Sita and her abduction.Born of mother earth,she had all the patience.Her life was one of suffering and separation.Nice nonet from you.

    1. Yes, that's why they tell all women, ' be as patient as Mother Earth ! "..... Thanks, KP :)


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