Tuesday, 29 October 2013

I did, did I ?

Ok,I know it seems out of place, but that question wasn't asked simply :-)

I did something which made me ask that. I tried writing a Palindrome poem.

A Palindrome is a word, a phrase, a verse or a sentence that reads the same forward and backward.

Something like the question in the title :-P .....So now you know why the title ;-)

Here's my first Palindrome poem.... the World...

The world,
to me, you are,
my need to live life in full spirits
the voices in my heart speak to me
as the days fly past
I find myself growing with you
my love for you shall never end
nothing else can be my gift to you, but
~~ my soul ~~
nothing else can be my gift to you, but
my love for you shall never end
I find myself growing with you
as the days fly past
the voices in my heart speak to me
my need to live life in full spirits
to me, you are,
the world.

That brings my UBC count to 29 :-)


  1. Sreeja,this is a very interesting form of poetry.You have carved it impressively. Does not look like a first attempt. Very well written.


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